Legends of Elysium in Game Boards” is a captivating subject that explores the unique gameplay mode presented in Legends of Elysium, or “LoE”, a free-to-play, platform-independent online card game. Offering genuine ownership of in-game assets, distinctive races, and an absorbing storyline, LoE combines classic, strategic card game mechanics with elements of board games in an innovative, engaging manner.

Our adventure begins with the battlegrounds themselves, quaintly termed as “Boards”. These Boards set the scene for clashes between opponents, who face each other on hexagon-shaped grid fields. This introduces an extra layer of strategy to the game, setting it apart from familiar, traditional card games. Each Board possesses various features or elements, providing a varied playing field that continues to evolve as the game develops.

The primary goal of the battle is to outwit your opponent. As the game unfolds, each turn permits players to draw a random card from their deck and to transform the lands or unit hexes adjacent to them into a Land of their choice. This implies that unit cards can only be positioned on lands constructed by you unless the card specifies otherwise. Similarly, units on the board are only able to move across their own or their adversary’s unoccupied hexes, one step at a time. Confrontations between units only occur if they’re situated on adjacent Lands unless a unit’s unique ability states otherwise.

How do these Boards benefit the player, you wonder? Each board has a special appearance and design; they may contain different mines and special fields. Nonetheless, they all share the hexagonal grid layout. An intriguing aspect of these Boards is their ability to be effortlessly modified through a straightforward database, contributing to the dynamic aspect of the game.

Some of these modifications can involve deactivating particular hexes, bestowing unique capabilities on certain hexes, or determining your hero’s initial placement. Besides adorning your Board with distinct abilities, you can also incorporate special fields that grant blessings to the controlling player at the start of their turn. Each of these fields could provide diverse bonuses like additional mana, healing units, extra cards per turn, damage to an opposing unit, a reduction in the cost of a random card, a unit’s attack boost, or even an expansion of a unit’s maximum health.

In addition to these features, one-off bonuses are also available on the boards. When a unit enters such a space, the player receives the associated reward. These singular bonuses can vary from additional mana, an increase in a unit’s life, an extra card, a boost to a unit’s attack, or a reduction of the mana cost for a random card in a player’s hand.

A novel aspect of the game is Mines, special components of the Boards that grant players various passive bonuses. Each Board can accommodate up to 3 mines, conferring different perks depending on the Board type. Activating mines involves linking their tokens with the selected mines. The strength of benefits obtained depends on the quantity of tokens linked with a specific mine. The number of tokens that can be linked with each mine, however, is limited per player.

LoE also honours its dedicated players, known as Board Validators, who receive temporary premium accounts. These players are effectively the owners of the board and, as a result, they can earn additional rewards such as guaranteed whitelist spots for all actions, extra daily Elytronite, daily LoE tokens from a certain part of the game’s treasury, and other in-game privileges.

Lastly, it’s important to recall that the rewards generated by each board are dependent on their level. Every new board begins at level 2, with the levels of all pre-existing boards dropping by 1 upon the release of each new board. This process continues until a minimum level of 0 is reached. Boards at level 0 no longer generate rewards for their proprietors.

To illustrate, let’s suppose there is an existing game board called Genesis Board. It starts at level 2 by default, allowing players who own it to receive a portion of the daily rewards. After 3 months, a new board named Deathland Board is introduced, causing the Genesis Board’s level to decrease by 1, moving to level 1. However, the newly launched Deathland Board starts at level 2. Should a player possess both the Genesis Board and Deathland Board, they will benefit from the rewards from both boards independently.

The Legends of Elysium game presents a sophisticated, intricate system that combines card play with board game dynamics, which will surely captivate strategy game aficionados and innovative players alike. The landscape of the Boards is as changeable as the possibilities within the game itself, offering a diverse and challenging experience to each player!